The Long Night is Coming
6 years ago
"The security agencies are to be blame for the escalation of the Boko Haram sect. Where were the security agencies when the sect members are importing guns? Where were they when they were training their members in Somalia? The security agencies should have pre-empted all these," he said.
But while the financial press continues to gush about the amount of money to be made in the country, a range of Nigerian voices are expressing fear and anger. Former World Bank official Oby Ezekwesili’s passionate convocation address at the University of Nigeria Nsukka in January criticized an “indulgent elite class” that had squandered $67 billion in reserves that the Obasanjo administration handed over to its successor government in 2007. Transparency and accountability, key to governance benefiting the general public, remain elusive.
Since 2009, northern Nigeria has been gripped by a bloody insurgency as militant group Boko Haram continues its quest to overthrow the government and create an Islamic state. Visiting the Boko Haram stronghold Maiduguri is dangerous, so a BBC reporter filmed with a concealed camera to reveal what life is like for citizens caught in the crossfire. The journalist's identity has been concealed for security reasons.
Aleksandar Vucic, Vice-President of the Serbian government, has dismissed reports in the Sarajevo media that Belgrade plans to help the opposition in Republika Srpska win the next general election in 2014.
The article contains four key facts we did not know about the FDIC’s leadership and its litigation director. ...The first fact is that the banks and bank officers can now cut deals with the FDIC designed to keep their settlements secret.....The second key fact that we learned from the article is that the size of the settlements, for some of the most culpable fraudulent mortgage lenders, is so embarrassingly low that the FDIC’s litigators and investigators have proven to be an embarrassing failure....The third fact that emerges is that the FDIC’s real purpose in entering into these settlements crafted to try to keep the public from learning about them is not to secure a higher settlement but to protect the FDIC leadership from embarrassment for their failures of nerve, competence....The fourth fact that emerges is that the FDIC does not understand how a banking regulator and its litigators must deal with control fraud.
As the president of Greece becomes the latest person to predict a 'social explosion' in Greece it seems a good idea to ask the question: Are we likely to see an escalation of social unrest as the crisis continues?
British and Argentine campaigners have staged a noisy pots and pans protest outside the offices of Elliot Associates in London, in support of Argentina’s right not to pay the ‘vulture funds’ still chasing huge profits from its late-2001 debt default
The two nations have seen their accession repeatedly delayed due to concerns over their failure to contain corruption and organized crime.
I don't know of any reason why civil society of some sort should not persist on the North American continent more or less than anywhere else. However, this is a time when, so far as reform is concerned, that each and every one of us be more concerned with setting our own houses in order than in reforming the body politic. That would be a waste of time.
Simply including an ad hominem attack in a reader comment was enough to make study participants think the downside of the reported technology was greater than they’d previously thought.
My Observation: Since Aristotle, rhetoric has included not only the reasoning of an argument, logos, but also its ethos and pathos, how well it advances the good and how strongly. See Modes of PersuasionTo enshrine Logos while discounting Ethos and Pathos is simply to be incomplete..
- Saudi Arabia and Qatar ratchet up sectarian and ethnic tensions in Iraq
Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been working hard to break up the Shia-Kurdish strategic alliance in Iraq, replacing it with a Turkish strategic alliance with the Kurdish Region (KR), headed by Massoud Barzani, a development which has not only dramatically bolstered the position of the KR in its tense confrontation with Iraq's central government (CG) over land and oil, but also more broadly ramped up ethnic tensions.- The Saudi Arabization of Islam