On the one side stands organized crime, on the other underpaid, corrupt police. In the middle, are the citizens of the city.
The Long Night is Coming
6 years ago
On the one side stands organized crime, on the other underpaid, corrupt police. In the middle, are the citizens of the city.
Leaked reports from the American embassy in Nairobi have tainted the country as “a swamp of flourishing corruption”.
According to a German magazine-Der Spiegel- “Almost every single sentence in the embassy reports speaks with disdain of the government of President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga”
So far this year, according to the records, 10 El Paso residents have been detained in Mexico’s murder capital on drug-related charges, equaling the number arrested in all of 2009. Four suspects from the Texas border city have been arrested in Juarez this week alone. “Among the transnational criminal organizations there is a clear intent to recruit binational (Mexican-American) citizens or Americans because it is so easy for them to move around. It is easier to come and go,” said University of Texas at El Paso researcher and political scientist Antonio Payan.
The gang survives by extorting from businesses in a section of the slum and from residents under the guise of providing security.
It presents itself as a vigilante group with authority to do community policing.
'We usually engage the boys to maintain law and order because often we are short in supply of legitimate security personnel,' says an administrator in Kibera whose identity cannot be revealed because he is not authorised to comment on such issues.
Gang members have been blocking roads, burning cars and shooting at police stations for three days.
The Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov (2009-) explains how 30 pages long report with recommendations from the Secret Service alleges that the Mafia has infiltrated a lot of the public administration in Bulgaria and how there is a concerted plan for assault upon the Bulgarian Institutions by the Mafia which is interested in their becoming subservient to its malign practices and the public servants being afraid and corroborating with the Mafia in milking the national wealth of the country and the European funds as well.
In cooperation with several other countries, Albanian police busted an international narcotics network smuggling drugs from Panama to Albania.
And he said that while a number of Special Operations forces are trained in African languages and cultures, the military is not moving fast enough to provide similar training to other troops.
Mr Saviano alleged that the ‘Ndrangheta had expanded far outside its traditional power base in the southern Calabria region and had infiltrated Italy’s rich northern Lombardy region, including Milan, Italy's business and fashion capital.
But Mr Diallo accused the security forces of 'savage brutality' against his supporters and members of his Peul ethnic group.
Before the run-off both Mr Diallo and Mr Conde - who comes from another ethnic group, the Malinke - had promised to include each other in government.
Despite the Peuls' economic dominance, no member of their community has never been president, while the Malinke have been heavily represented among the country's military rulers.
It was found on a container that had been loaded on to an Italian flagged ship in Brazil and which was then unloaded at the port of Gioia Tauro in the Calabria region, heartland of the local mafia known as the N’drangheta.
Because there is no radar coverage over the ocean, big aircraft can cross the Atlantic virtually undetected.
The assistant antinarcotics Police chief in the central city San Francisco de Macoris was caught Wednesday afternoon with 400 kilos of cocaine as he was about to take to the Capital together with three other Dominicans and two Colombians, the head of the Antinarcotics Agency DNCD said last night.
The sea pirates use the financial hub of Dubai and Somalia’s southern neighbour Kenya as key transit points to launder the millions of dollars in ransom money by organised and wealthy gangs.
This means Britain has left other countries which face major cocaine problems - in particular the U.S. and Spain - far behind in the league table of those worst-affected.
The ring had an extensive import-export business infrastructure between Argentina and Spain which included their trans-Atlantic container traffic.
An international gang of drug traffickers detained by the authorities used a hearse to transport drugs in northern Argentina, near the border with Bolivia, the Gendarmes (the border police) announced.
Leaders of the criminal operation traveled frequently between Argentina and Spain to supervise the illegal enterprise.
Drug trafficking has seeped the echelons of the very people assigned to fight it, with more than 5,000 military, Police and Antinarcotics (DNCD) agents charged, penalized or expelled in the last three years.
He regularly travels to Lebanon and has strong ties to the community which plays an important role in the Guinean economy. His critics say he does not like power, he likes money - and his stint in the top job has been profitable.
A small number of Tuareg are believed to be working for AQIM as drivers and guides, though there are also unconfirmed reports that a Tuareg imam from Kidal named Abdelkrim has become an amir in the AQIM organization (Liberation [Bamako], October 31; Jeune Afrique, October 9). Though direct Tuareg participation in AQIM activities may be limited, there are signs, nonetheless, that the massive influx of cash into the region from AQIM-obtained ransoms has had an indirect benefit to the Tuareg and Arab tribes of the region."