Interior Minister Ivica Dačić says 'every criminal in Serbia owned one or more clubs' and wonders how fans can be expected to be 'better than club managements'.
The Long Night is Coming
6 years ago
Interior Minister Ivica Dačić says 'every criminal in Serbia owned one or more clubs' and wonders how fans can be expected to be 'better than club managements'.
Nowadays, Greece has the largest merchant fleet in the world, which is the second largest contributor to the national economy after tourism and forms the backbone of world shipping
Globalization has had a limited effect in reducing labour market vulnerabilities in many developing economies...
Over the past decade, world trade has expanded significantly. By 2007, global trade had reached more than 60 per cent of world GDP, compared with less than 30 per cent in the mid-1980s. Few would contest that increased trade has contributed to global growth and job creation.
However, strong growth in the global economy has not, so far, led to a corresponding improvement in working conditions and living standards for many. Absolute poverty has declined, thanks to the economic dynamism of recent years, the efforts of private companies, migrant workers and their remittances and the international development community.
Nevertheless, in many instances, labour market conditions and the quality of employment growth have not improved to the same degree. In many developing economies job creation has mainly taken place in the informal economy, where around 60 per cent of workers fi nd income opportunities. However, the informal economy is characterized by less job security, lower incomes, an absence of access to a range of social benefi ts and fewer possibilities to participate in formal education and training programmes – in short, the absence of key ingredients of decent work opportunities. ...
According to the United Nations, the average Kenyan makes $777 a year. Yet members of Kenya's parliament are among the highest paid in the world, with a compensation package of $145,565 (most of it tax-free). That is 187 times more than the country's average income and would be the equivalent of an American congressman making $8.5 million a year. And this is simply what is earned legally.
The debt crisis in Greece—which could even threaten the euro zone—has highlighted the country's entrenched culture of fakelaki bribes and fraud
The global trade in illicit art is worth billions and relies on networks of dealers as well as auction houses which, though in good faith, provide an unwitting point of sale. ‘We often find stolen items in major galleries or in the auctions at London or New York,’ said Lembert. ‘The main demand driving the market is from private collectors and, to a lesser extent, museums.’
In Nigeria this procedure has been turned into a nightmare for the banks. Everyday Nigerians are swearing to false affidavits and forging documents without anybody paying the price. The resultant effect is that the banks have to resort to actual visitation of customers’ locations and premises in order to ascertain that they exist.
He had been living in exile in Gambia after having been accused of plotting a coup.
Empirically, though, it seems quite obvious: countries with a very high or very low share of activity in the shadow economy appear to be much less affected by growth fluctuations in the world economy than countries displaying a more or less average intensity of shadow market activity.....
This apparent relationship suggests several conclusions may be drawn. First of all, it looks absolutely advisable to decide for one side of the coin or the other.
More than three quarters of Europeans agree that corruption is a major problem for their country, mostly due to the links between business and politics, a survey by Eurobarometer, the bloc's pollster shows.
London firms act as fronts for drug-dealing and money-laundering and provide hideouts for fugitive gunmen, says anti-mafia investigator
In a disturbing trend, godfathers have struck up alliances with Chinese, Russian, Albanian and Romanian organised criminals operating in Rome, with the capital now 'the promised land for foreign mafias'.
According to Finance Minister Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, the contry's healthcare system needs at least a US$400 million stimulus to be healthy again. Without this money, health authorities fear that insurance companies will not be able to pay the hospitals.
Burim Ramadani, general secretary of the opposition Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, said the government is not interested in fixing corruption, as they are involved.
Marino Vinicio Castillo said the process the country is going through, 'leads us to that, but for us faster because we are weaker' (than Mexico), where several police chiefs have died at the hands of drug traffickers, and where the situation has been coming for a long time.
Coping in the desert requires a wide range of idiosyncratic competences – of which survival often depend - that Tuareg pastoralists learn over the years: knowing the routes through the dunes and the mountains, knowing where to find water, where to find wood for the evening’s fire (and knowing which wood to select), knowing how, where and when to hunt, how to identify and where to find medicinal plants, anticipating bad weather conditions... This specific knowledge is of crucial importance for anyone carrying out long-distance business in the area.
The Dominican Republic's DNCD anti-drug agency confirmed Monday that it uncovered a plan to assassinate its chief, Maj.-Gen. Rolando Rosado Mateo.
We analyse the extent and evolution of informality and inequality in the Serbian labour market between 2002 and 2007, using data from the Living Standard Measurement Surveys (LSMS). Two surprising results emerge. First, the level of informal employment has risen significantly over the period, despite strong economic growth and the introduction of a range of market-oriented reforms. Second, the level of inequality in earnings seems to have remained more or less constant over the period, in contrast to the experience of other countries at a similar stage of transition. We show that informal employees earn significantly less than those in the formall sector, controlling for a range of other variables, and informality plays an increasingly important role in explaining earnings inequality.
Of course I cannot predict that a conflict is underway, but I am pretty certain that the political situation in the Balkans cannot be considered as stable and everything is on the table.
Almost two-thirds of all Greeks refuse to make personal financial sacrifices to help their government find a way out of fiscal crisis, an opinion poll showed yesterday.
POSTER ABSTRACT Organized crime is generally regarded as a relatively modern phenomenon, and as such most histories take as their focus the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries with the Italian Mafia as the standard against which other forms of organized crime are compared. But is organized crime really the modern threat that we think it is? The purpose of this poster is to trace the evidence for organized criminal activity in classical antiquity by means of an historiographic approach. Forms of organized crime in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Byzantium will be emphasized. This poster will contribute to the body of literature on organized crime by broadening and refining our understanding of its nature and origins. More generally, it also adds to the criminal justice enterprise in that it engenders a distinctly interdisciplinary perspective on the modern organized crime phenomenon.
Ghana suffers from an unemployment rate of 20-percent, according to 2008 World Factbook reports. With a decline in the economic growth rate over the past year, this figure is likely to have risen. Government claims they do not have the revenue needed to support welfare grants such as unemployment insurance, thus making it essential for Ghanaians to generate their own income in any way possible, simply to survive. Speaking to street traders at Kaneshie and around Accra, it becomes evident that trading in the informal sector is often an option of ‘last-resort’.
"Unlike Somalia, Nigeria has an effective central government and the strongest navy in the region. What is worrying is that there appears to be no political will to combat the problem of piracy off their coast, despite the country being a major oil exporter and the country's economy being heavily reliant on imports of other goods."
From this brief explanation, you can see that the 'white mafia' – through the use of unlimited funds of fraudulent origin and the application of 'pressure' – can considerably alter the rules of free competition in a market economy. An entrepreneur who is also a member of the mafia never has cashflow problems. All he has to do is sell a shipment of cocaine, whereas an honest businessman is obliged to get into debt with banks and pay interest on loans. And once established in legal activities, the mafioso builds up privileged links with political and financial institutions, influencing them by lawful and illicit means, corrupting or threatening.
Colombia’s government ran out of money to support manual eradication of coca crops, meaning a 48-percent reduction in eliminating the illicit crop compared to last year.
Today’s article reflects on security in maritime supply chains: Assurance of security in maritime supply chains: Conceptual issues of vulnerability and crisis management by Paul Barnes and Richard Oloruntoba from the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, suggests that the complex interaction of ports, maritime operations and supply chains creates vulnerabilities that requires analysis that extends beyond the immediate visible.
Do rules and regulations work?
A critical factor for international business is the assurance of security across maritime trading systems and a number of initiatives, first and foremost ISPS, CSI and C-TPAT have been put in place to reduce or avert maritime terrorism, but are these initiatives actually working as intended and are they even having a negative impact on competitiveness ?
Most Americans fail to appreciate that the Civil Rights movement was about the overthrow of an entrenched political order in each of the Southern states, that the segregationists who controlled this order did not hesitate to employ violence (law enforcement, paramilitary, mob) to preserve it, and that for nearly a century the federal government tacitly or overtly supported the segregationist state governments. That the Civil Rights movement employed nonviolent tactics should fool us no more than it did the segregationists, who correctly saw themselves as being at war. Significant change was never going to occur within the political system: it had to be forced. The aim of the segregationists was to keep the federal government on the sidelines. The aim of the Civil Rights movement was to “capture” the federal government — to get it to apply its weight against the Southern states. As to why it matters: a major reason we were slow to grasp the emergence and extent of the insurgency in Iraq is that it didn’t –and doesn’t — look like a classic insurgency. In fact, the official Department of Defense definition of insurgency still reflects a Vietnam era understanding of the term. Looking at the Civil Rights movement as an insurgency is useful because it assists in thinking more comprehensively about the phenomenon of insurgency and assists in a more complete –and therefore more useful — definition of the term.
The delegates will discuss the loss of historical evidence through the destruction of finds by looters and the links with an international black market in illegally-acquired antiques.
The research centre, which monitors looting and the trade in antiquities, says that this growing illegal industry has been the key factor behind 'the large-scale plundering of archaeological sites and museums around the world'.
new exhibit that will look at forgery in ancient and modern art is going to be hitting the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) this January.
The museum released details about it in a press release today. It’s called Fakes & Forgeries Yesterday and Today and it runs from January 9 to April 4, 2010.
There are going to be four sections that will examine the ancient world:
Diplomats and African leaders are calling for an international civil-military force in Guinea to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian assistance, but a junta official has warned such a deployment would be seen as a “declaration of war”.
The use of public force and the acquisition of equipment to fight organized crime and reduce the consumption of and international traffic of drugs toward the United States and Europe, again failed to keep drug trafficking’s violence and influence from impacting all structures of Dominican society in 2009.
The onetime conservative country of Yemen is suddenly falling apart morally as poverty, greed, and power is forcing thousands of Yemeni youngsters to turn to drugs for a better future.
Yemen is considered today the hub for drugs trafficked to the Gulf, as drug lords today feel it is easier to send drugs to others parts of the world through Yemen than any other country.
If the recent flurry of activities by the Moroccan Military on the border regions where Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania meet is any indication, the Sahel region is the future ground zero for the fight against extremists groups operating in North Africa. Despite the ongoing war of words between Morocco and Algeria over the issue of the Western Sahara, Algiers and Rabat are warily looking at the recent activities of several different groups operating a number of illicit activities on the tri-borders. Even though some of this activities are typical of any border region in the world, the presence of armed groups linked to outside international militancy groups that are known of embracing violence is intensifying the pressure on the Moroccan and Algerian governments to forgo their differences and increase their security cooperation; it is going to be a matter of survival for both countries.
Bulgaria is supplying arms to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) group, which is considered a terrorist organization by the European Union. The report points out that 27% of the weapons used by AUC come from the EU while Bulgaria is the top EU supplier with nearly 19% followed by Belgium - a distant second with 7,23%.
The network begins in Pakistan where the notes are printed. The Maler Cantt security press in Karachi is especially noteworthy for printing fakes, which are harder to detect and thereby command a higher price. Available inputs also show that good quality notes are also being printed in Quetta, Lahore and Peshawar.
The currency is routed through Thailand and the UAE, with Dhaka, Kathmandu and Colombo acting as the major transit points.
The D-company then brings in the ‘money’ to India via air, sea and land routes. This gets ensured due to certain porous border areas as well as India’s lack of adequate FICN (Fake Indian Currency Network) detection facilities. Among the slack points in our system are some seaports and airports. In fact, the role of some Indian as well as some international airlines is also under scanner
The article describes the escalation of acts of maritime piracy emanating from the coast of Somalia, comparing them to the wave of aerial hijackings in the 1960s and 1970s in terms of demands, including political demands. The advantages for the pirates to gang up with land-based al-Shabaab terrorists are discussed and likely developments sketched.
The global nature of shipping makes it vulnerable to social, political and economic upheavals around the world and creates unlimited risks for shipping companies. Let us examine a range of risks and uncertainties that carriers should anticipate to avoid causing any damage to their operating environment. For an industry that carries almost 90 per cent of the world trade, the ups and downs in the global economy can be highly detrimental. The 2008 US financial crisis that spread to Europe and Asia triggered one of the worst trade slumps in container shipping’s history, the effects of which are expected to be long and deep.
AUTHORITIES are bracing for a flood of cocaine as drug cartels target Australia as the world's most lucrative market - and Adelaide is identified as a growth area.
Cartels send representatives to U.S. cities to buy legitimate businesses, such as strip malls, restaurants, auto dealerships and used-tire shops. Then they invite local politicians and police to receive free meals and discounts, until they can develop relationships with influential people.
In Mali the government has approved long-term leases for outside investors to develop more than 160,000 hectares of land. Government officials say the country could not develop its cultivable land otherwise, but local farmers say they fear being pushed out.
Today Panama has become the Switzerland of Latin America. There are 150 banks in Panama many of which have their name on a 40 story modern skyscraper. Panama is often touted as having the best banking secrecy laws in the world. This author believes this to be true and we will address the bank secrecy laws of Panama in depth.
Greek experts warn that a tanking economy, an abundance of black-market weaponry and the unchecked inflow of maltreated Muslim immigrants on the traditional fault-line between Christianity and Islam are coming together in a perfect geopolitical storm in Greece.
Troops who took part in, or witnessed, the failed shooting of de facto president Captain Moussa Dadis Camara are allegedly being hunted down and some shot dead.
But the evidence was far more damning than can simply be swept under the carpet. Audio-visual attachments of smuggling transactions showed the voluntary connivance of uniformed public officials in smuggling transactions involving convoys of truck-loads of rice about to be shipped into Ghana – free of tax and free of VAT.
CIDRE’s office in Chimore, the middle of Chapare’s coca-producing zone, offers significantly lower interest loans to farmers who pledge to forfeit their coca crop. Other incentives are thrown in: cheap or even free seeds for growing alternatives. But they aren’t handing out seeds for a crop that will give returns in several years; CIDRE’s loan officers grew up in Chapare and have learned what works and what doesn’t. They incentivize farmers with these low-interest, rewards-abundant loans from a perspective that they know is sustainable because they work in one-on-one relationships with the farmers to make it so. They want these farmers to be a part of a legal market; one that doesn’t risk being burned to the ground in an instant by the government or DEA. The loan officers also personally travel to these farms and walk around the hectares to ensure that there is no longer any evidence of coca production once the loan has been disbursed.
The speech, which was carried by state television, appeared to be aimed at trying to snuff out reports of deep divisions in the army since the attack.
Traditional criminology has focused on street gangs in the granular, turf-gang model. However, in recent years criminologists have recognized that gangs have become global enterprises. In 2007, prominent criminologist John Hagedorn released a seminal compilation titled Gangs in the Global City (See John Hagedorn, Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology). Utilizing the ‘global city’ framework developed earlier by Saskia Sassen, Hagedorn and his colleagues argued three points diverging from traditional criminology: gangs are institutionalized in social environments, gangs are globalized and can be found in increasingly globalized urban spaces, and gangs are ‘social actors’ whose identities are formed by identity-based repression, participation in the underground economy, and constructions of gender.
We are revising the outlook on the Kingdom of Spain to negative from stable: ", and affirming the 'AA ' long-term and 'A-1 ' short-term sovereign credit ratings. -- Compared to our expectations when we lowered our rating on the sovereign in January 2009, we now believe that Spain will experience a more pronounced and persistent deterioration in its public finances and a more prolonged period of economic weakness versus its peers. -- In our opinion, reducing Spain's sizable fiscal and economic imbalances requires strong policy actions, which have not yet materialized.
Moody's Investors Service has placed the ratings of government-related issuers (GRIs) in the UAE on review for possible downgrade. This includes all GRI's that are owned by either the federal UAE government, or the government of Abu Dhabi. The review was prompted by a need to re-validate, and possibly reconsider our support assumptions following Dubai's recent decision to explicitly segregate its direct obligations from those of its GRIs, following which a decision was subsequently made to pursue a debt restructuring at Dubai World.
On Monday, Gen Aristides had presented a report about drug trafficking through Honduras and voiced concern about the number of landing strips in Honduras that traffickers were using.
He said land owners who allowed their property to be used could face charges of involvement in drug smuggling.
[P]irates are using military-grade weaponry to attack ships...
Check-points, rampant vehicular searches, violent raids, arrests, summary executions… Loyal junta forces in Guinea are leaving no stone unturned as they seek to lay their hands on lieutenant Aboubacar “Toumba” Diakite, the man who, reportedly, shot and gravely wounded the junta leader, Moussa Dadis Camara in the head, last Thursday. The military’s reign of terror in the West African country has reached unprecedented levels.
The annual dollar value of art and cultural property theft is exceeded only by the trafficking in illicit narcotics and arms. The illegal trade of works of art and cultural property is as dangerous as these crimes. The criminal networks that traffic in the illicit sale of Works of Art and Cultural Property are often times the same circles that deal in illegal drug, arms dealing, and other illegal transactions. It has also been found recently that many insurgent and terrorist groups fund their operations through the sales and trade of stolen Works of Art and Cultural Property.
The bulk of the cocaine arriving in ports of Montenegro is destined for European markets and the local Balkan ones. The Kosovo territory plays an important role because shipments are gathered there and then are distributed in the north from Bosnia or Serbia to Croatia and Hungary and then to Western-Central Europe.
Other shipments travel to the South through FYROM-Albania and Greece and then to Western Europe mainly through vessels."
Why levels of crime should have risen so rapidly is the subject of debate, but primary among the causes is the manner in which the narcotics-trafficking networks and those that support them have exploited urban deprivation and middle-class greed.
The consequence is that not only has the Caribbean become a key transit point for a commodity that vastly exceeds in value the entire legal economy of the region, but such sums have made it increasingly possible to suborn youth at one end of the spectrum, to judicial systems, police forces, politicians and legitimate business at the other.
"In Bulgaria there are no trained modern investigative criminal police, and this is due to organized crime and corruption, which enjoy political support," she said in a Sunday interview on Bulgarian National Radio (BNR).
The markets are jittery about Jamaica as they are about Dubai. Barclays’ Capital Bank credit analyst issued warnings that Jamaica ’is approaching the point of no return and that it will take more than fiscal adjustments to regain sustainability for the long term’. Barclays’ experts anticipate a decline in output of 5.5 per cent which would make it difficult for Jamaica to meet its revenue targets.
Many witnesses to the September 28 massacre in Conakry, carried out by members of the presidential guard when suppressing protest against the military, singled out Aboubacar Toumba Diakit�as the commander who ordered the shooting.
There is a growing body of evidence that connects the trade in looted antiquities with organised crime.
Rodolfo Ronconi, director of Italy's international police co-operation services department, says the antiquities trade is also - like that in stolen art - often linked to money laundering. Irving Finkel of the British Museum says that antiquities often move in parallel with drugs.
>The Somali militant group Al-Shabab has been arming and training pirates in exchange for a share of their spoils, says a newly released Canadian intelligence document.
The term is used to describe a situation where powerful individuals, institutions, companies or groups within or outside a country use corruption to influence policies, the legal environment and economy to benefit their own private interests.
The extensive drug and arms trade and associated gang operations in Jamaica, which fuel corruption through bribery, extortion and payoffs were highlighted.
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the billionaire Saudi investor, said banks that loaned money to Dubai World can’t claim to be victims of the emirate’s debt crisis because they should have understood the risks.
The sheer number of drug trafficking cases and the recent investigations have exposed a fierce struggle between the law enforcement agencies and criminal persecution entities.
Piracy investor Sahra Ibrahim, a 22-year-old divorcee, was lined up with others waiting for her cut of a ransom pay-out after one of the gangs freed a Spanish tuna fishing vessel.
'I am waiting for my share after I contributed a rocket-propelled grenade for the operation,' she said, adding that she got the weapon from her ex-husband in alimony.
'I am really happy and lucky. I have made $75,000 in only 38 days since I joined the 'company'.'
The organization is strangled financially, especially in Algeria, and is unable to achieve its goals of recruitment....